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AI – What It Is and Isn’t
/in Blog /by Chris HigginsAI has been rapidly evolving in recent years with the IT industry placing demand on this innovative technology solution. It began life with humble origins compared to the immense potential that modern AI software can offer for business networks. This blog will be looking at what AI is, how it originated and developed, and how your business can take advantage of this tool.
A Brief Look at AI for Business Networks – What It Is (And Isn’t)
It’s important that we know what AI actually is. Indeed, many businesses don’t entirely understand how AI can be beneficial for their tech problems and solutions.
Let’s define what AI is and what it isn’t. When someone mentions the term “Artificial Intelligence,” you probably think of automatic computers or machines, like robots. This belief was widely popularized by Alan Turing’s statement claiming that “one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.” However, artificial intelligence IT solutions are actually a bit more complicated than this; the modern realm of AI certainly isn’t capable of self-awareness just yet, but it is still capable of offering a huge amount of potential for businesses.
So, AI isn’t just an android; rather, it’s a program that is capable of completing tasks to a similar standard as a human or better. AI systems can be categorized as: Narrow, General, or Super-Intelligent. Narrow and general AI systems are already available for business networks to implement as an IT solution. These systems serve to do a small number of specialized tasks. Super intelligent AI is still in development though, and will likely not exist for a long period of time.
The History
AI hasn’t always been at its current standard. In fact, it’s taken a long time for AI to evolve to it’s current stage! Of course, the earliest origins of artificial intelligence could be Alan Turing’s original Turning Machine – the first ever variant of a computer, although certainly nothing like the modern computers we rely on for business nowadays.
Many don’t know that AI has actually had a notable prominence in our society and culture for easily a century. The first machine capable of automatically playing chess without human intervention was Leonardo Torres y Quevedo’s creation in 1914. Following this creation, in 1929, Japan’s Makoto Nishimura developed the first-ever “robot”. The model was able to use air mechanisms to move its hand and head and control its expression! It wasn’t until 1955, that “artificial intelligence” became a term.
Despite a somewhat early start to life, tales surrounding artificial intelligence were commonplace. They spoke of IT solutions that would serve to better the world and provide an alternative to normal tech solutions, of science fiction stories and seemingly unbelievable feats of business computer systems. The first artificial intelligence programs in the 1990s, Jabberwack and Cleverbot chatbots designed to “simulate natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining, and humorous manner.”
A new line of AI also came around the turn of the century. The Furby toy was created and went on to be the first “pet” robot for children, and in 1999, Sony released AIBO, a robotic dog that could recognize over one hundred voice commands and even communicate directly with its owner. This would prove a big step forward in terms of the development of artificial intelligence software and programs.
Modern AI Programs
Modern artificial intelligence has developed rapidly. As a business owner, you must know how these IT solutions could be applicable for your organization. Some AI programs used in businesses include voice commands and applications like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. These programs respond to user inquiries with natural language.
So, how can modern businesses use AI programs for the best business network boost? Well, artificial intelligence can be applicable in many different ways for your business, from helping to reduce the incidence rate of human error (which is invariable with any business) through to automating production processes and supply chains based on demand and availability. Artificial intelligence can also have a big impact on your business’ hiring practices, helping your business to streamline the recruitment process and lower the costs of hiring new talent for your firm!
Indeed, the potential that artificial intelligence can offer even today is massive – and as time passes likely, artificial intelligence systems will only get more and more complex and refined.
Learn More About AI for Businesses
For more information on how AI could benefit your business networks, contact us. Our team provides quality IT services so that you can get back to doing what you do best – managing your business. Don’t compromise – let us help you find the perfect AI and IT solutions today!
Meet AI: Your Newest Co-Worker
/in Blog /by Chris HigginsWhen it comes to hiring new staff, it’s important that you choose the right person for the job. But what if the right person for the job isn’t a person at all, but instead, an IT solution? Artificial intelligence offers many benefits for businesses, now, and into the future. Just one of these benefits is bypassing the hiring process. Before purchasing your AI solution, it’s important that all businesses consider the benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence. When looking to optimize your IT management, a quick Google search for the best “automated small business solutions” will lead you in the right direction. Then you can focus the search to your specific industry.
Let’s take a look at what Artificial Intelligence is and how it might benefit us.
Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History
Artificial intelligence is a recent development with only the first two stages widely rolled out for business support: narrow and general AI, which provide a highly specialized and broader range of support respectively. The final stage of artificial intelligence is super-intelligence, which is characterized by AI programs developed to be capable of self-thought. This level of AI is still a long way off, though, and modern AI systems are a little simpler. With that being said, the simpler nature of modern AI is a benefit in and of itself. It means that small and large businesses alike may be able to implement AI into their existing business networks easily and efficiently. And that means that better control of your budget, and profit growth should be the end result.
How did AI originate? During the 1990s, toy manufacturers were one the first industries to use AI. Popular AI toys were early versions of robots, with the Furby being arguably the most well-known. Sony also created their own artificial intelligence robotic dog that was capable of memorizing up to one hundred commands. These creations would pave the way for future AI developments in the decades to follow.
How AI Can be Used by Businesses
There are many ways in which businesses can make use of the benefits of artificial intelligence solutions. Research AI developments in your field. It’s important that your business knows how to make use of AI to the best effect.
During the Hiring Process
Artificial intelligence can be a huge benefit for small businesses wanting to make the process of hiring new staff easier. During the hiring cycle, Artificial Intelligence can be used in many different ways to streamline the task because of its ability to learn your company’s processes.
AI is an effective tool to enhance the application process for new employees. Particularly in terms of automatic chats that can provide applicants with immediate help and support.
It can also help with screening applicants. AI can categorize applicants based on their skills, experience, qualifications, and whatever parameters you set. Automatically screening applicants is beneficial for small businesses who are overwhelmed with applications for a specific job posting. Then, the business can quickly find applicants who are a good fit for the job. That translates into saving a great deal of time, and money.
It’s worth noting that artificial intelligence can be useful even after candidates have been selected. You can use AI to contact applicants and arrange interview times with them. It also provides them with answers that they may have to questions about your company. Some advanced AI software can even analyze facial expressions, tone of voice, and the like for participants which can help to provide a clear view of the applicant’s suitability for the job role.
To Support Your Employees
Artificial intelligence is a highly diverse and useful IT solution for businesses to consider investing in. More and more people are looking for business IT support companies near them to help with installing AI. Employees can utilize this new technology to support their day-to-day activities. Additionally, employees can use AI to streamline automated processes to improve work productivity and affordability.
For Your Customers
Finally, artificial intelligence can provide an affordable option for your small business in terms of supporting customers. This is particularly the case for chatbox. You can use Artificial Intelligence to engage your clients and provide them with instant responses to their queries, without the huge expense of hiring a 24/7 in-house team. This can represent massive savings for your business and help boost customer satisfaction.
Don’t Rely Solely on AI!
Artificial intelligence options are some of the fastest evolving IT solutions for business networks, however, they are not perfect and need a team of human workers behind them to keep them working effectively. Always make sure that you check your AI is providing the results that you want; in doing so, you’ll be able to balance the cost-saving nature of artificial intelligence with the personal touch that human staff can provide.
In turn, your customers will be able to enjoy an incomparable service overall, making AI solutions potentially a great investment for your small business. To learn more, contact us to see if AI could be right for you.
Cloud Workforce Security
/in Blog /by Chris HigginsWhen it comes to working remotely, making use of the most up-to-date and high-quality cloud infrastructure and cloud computing services is very important. Cloud computing offers a number of options for business profitability, and a huge improvement for the ability to work remotely. However, you must have the right cybersecurity protocols and software in place to keep your network secure from hackers.
Let’s take a look at some of the security measures you should be aware of.
What is SASE?
First of all, you must know what the SASE cybersecurity software is. SASE is short for “secure access service edge”. It serves to help enhance business computer security when using cloud technology. By implementing SASE for your office network, you can safely access enhanced cybersecurity for your business data against hackers.
It is expected that, by 2040, as many as 40% of businesses – large and small alike – will have either integrated SASE with their current network cybersecurity approach or will be planning to. This is a drastic increase from the 1% of businesses that used SASE in 2018 upon its creation. This also highlights the fact that SASE will be a highly important form of computer security software in the coming years. Start asking about it now.
Why is SASE Important?
You might be wondering why additional cloud technology solutions are needed to protect your business data. There are a few different reasons as to why you might want to implement SASE technology for your servers, but the most obvious and important reason is for the enhanced security it offers.
Unfortunately, there are a few cloud computing companies and services that don’t offer the level of protection your business needs. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions you’re concerned about. Also, remember that we are here to help insure you make the best decisions for your needs. We research and check cloud providers to be sure the solutions they recommend are the most secure available.
It’s important to highlight that cloud computing services are highly reliable solutions and offer additional levels of protection against hackers for most businesses. However, hackers have been able to get around some security features installed by cloud companies. This warning highlights the need for extra IT security, such as that provided by SASE.
How SASE Works
SASE works by merging traditional wide-area networking (WAN) security solutions with other local network services. By using the best of different security approaches and configuring them into a single, cloud-delivered cybersecurity model, SASE allows business networks to benefit from the highest level of cybersecurity. This can be applied across all business devices, from office computers, desktops, and laptops to tablets used for on-the-go projects.
Tech solutions such as SASE are rapidly becoming more and more important. They are necessary to ensure that your business remain protected against the danger hackers can pose to data security. And, by enhancing your business’ cybersecurity while also integrating revolutionary cloud technology and architecture, you’ll be able to enjoy the best protection modern IT services have to offer.
Why Is Cyber Security So Important for my Small Business?
If you’ve ever found yourself searching for “small business IT services near me,” then it is highly likely that your business could also benefit from additional cybersecurity measures. Ensuring the safety of your servers is essential to have a good reputation with your customers and staff.
There are many different reasons why cybersecurity is so important for small and large businesses. Indeed, sometimes it can seem like information technology is changing and evolving at a rate faster than any of us can keep up with – so you must have the best protection in place to make sure your business network is safe.
Find the Right IT Consultants Today!
If you aren’t sure how SASE can benefit your business, our team of professional IT consultants are here to help! We can help with all aspects of your managed IT services and IT solutions.
After all, you have a business to run. Let us handle the information technology solutions while you do what you do best! For more information on how our team can help your business grow and thrive, contact us today to learn more!