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Are Cybersecurity and Internet Safety the same?
/in Blog, Security /by Chris HigginsWe use it, but we don’t think about it. Modern society is dependent on technology. Whether it’s your TV, the Internet, a laptop, or a phone, there’s no denying how much life has changed over the last two decades. This online access means that individuals and businesses need to be diligent about their Cybersecurity and Internet Safety.
We hear the terms cybersecurity and Internet safety, but are cybersecurity and Internet safety the same? The short answer is no. However, cybersecurity and Internet safety can incorporate many similar elements, and both involve online safety solutions. Yet, there are differences, which we’ll explore in this blog post. Essentially, internet safety is about individual people and their safety, while cybersecurity is more about securing devices or information held on systems.
Internet safety
When we talk about Internet safety, we refer specifically to an Internet user’s awareness of their online safety. This awareness reflects their knowledge of the security risks to their private information. Many users are unknowingly open to threats to online safety. Their data and identities are juicy targets hackers are after.
With the rapid growth of the Internet, many services became accessible to users from all over the globe. Unfortunately, as digital communication increased, so did the incidence of malicious use for personal gain. This risk is a huge concern for children and the elderly, but anyone can become compromised. Common safety threats include internet scams, malware, phishing, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, sextortion, and online predators.
The awareness of internet safety is an important step for individuals in their private lives. This also applies to businesses and their employees. The risks they face are not only personal but also impact their organizations.
When we talk of cybersecurity, we refer to how organizations and individuals reduce the risk of cyberattacks.
The core function of cybersecurity is to protect the device rather than the individual. This protection also incorporates the services accessed at work and online from damage or theft. Finally, cybersecurity is about preventing any unauthorized access to personal information stored online and on devices.
Three key differences between internet safety and cybersecurity
1. Internet safety is about the protection of people, while cybersecurity is the protection of information.
2. Poor internet safety means that individuals are vulnerable on a personal level. Poor cybersecurity means that a system is vulnerable to hackers.
3. Internet safety relies on strong passwords, mindful downloading, and careful posting on social media. Likewise, cybersecurity relies on features like firewalls, up-to-date software, and multi-factor authentication.
Protect your business with an MSP
While both internet safety and cyber security are important, it is cybersecurity that businesses need to focus upon. One wrong move and the whole business could be devastated. However, business owners can be proactive in protecting their organization and their assets by hiring a Managed Service Provider to assist with their cybersecurity and cybersecurity insurance.
Final thoughts
When a security breach can ruin your customers’ trust and your reputation, businesses must consider cybersecurity seriously. Bringing aboard a Managed Service Provider is a proactive way for business owners to ensure they have protection and the most appropriate cybersecurity insurance for their organization. Every MSP must stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity threats.
And for anyone who is ever online (most people!), it’s essential to know all about Internet safety too. View our Cybersecurity Resource to download our Internet Safety eBook. This is a great resource for everyone: children, parents, older people, employers, and employees alike. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Beefing Up Your Communication Security
/in Blog /by Chris HigginsHow Communications Technology Can Threaten Your Security
Modern communications technologies put many people at risk, and as a result, it’s crucial to be aware of how these risks threaten your security. There are many ways by which communications technology is problematic, and some of the risk factors include the following:Why Adding Fake Link Prevention to Staff Security Training is Crucial
If you have been considering your next staff security training, adding fake link prevention is critical. Your security training sessions give your team an ideal opportunity to learn more about the dangers posed by clicking on bogus email links. This extra step helps ensure that your team knows how to stay safe while completing their daily tasks. By doing so, you can protect your client data from the risk of security breaches while also preventing hackers from getting access to your business funds. Moreover, giving your staff information they need helps them avoid the risks of falling prey to fake links in their personal life. This knowledge increases the chance that they will stay safe in the workplace. Fewer data breaches will lead to better overall employee morale. After all – it’s a well-known fact that happy employees are more effective and efficient workers. This efficiency is not only good for your staff but also your business. As such, it’s pivotal for businesses to incorporate fake link prevention and protection strategies into their staff security training. This step can also protect your business data while ensuring that your customers have confidence that their data is secure. Meanwhile, it can also help boost your staff’s morale by teaching them to be safe and protected in their personal life. So, the benefits can be numerous!Beefing Up Your Communication Security by Staying Safe from Security Challenges
To stay safe and protected against security challenges, you should consider the following tips. These will help you avoid falling into the trap of fake email links, which could have numerous consequences for your personal and business security. First, it’s vital to check where the link in question will take you. This step is easy to do. To start with, if the anchor text is a visible hyperlink, check that this is legitimate by looking for any signs of fraudulent links. You should also check where the hyperlink is taking you by right-clicking on the link before following it. For example, if a legitimate website ends with .com, check that this hasn’t been tampered with in the link. An obvious sign of a false link would be if the address ends with .co.uk, .xyz, .club, or other uncommon domains. Second, check the sender’s details. You can search for email addresses and phone numbers online. If a quick search doesn’t yield much useful information, you could also directly contact the company. In this case, you should ask them whether this is their genuine contact number or address. Most companies will be more than happy to help! Finally, make sure you have your antivirus protection in place. Antivirus is surprisingly affordable nowadays. Your local IT service provider can help you choose the antivirus software that’s best for you. If you need help in beefing up your communication security contact us now!Modern-Day Communication, The Dangers Behind It
/in Blog /by Chris HigginsHow Advanced Modern-Day Communication Systems Endanger Our Data
Modern-day communication systems have transformed how we live our lives. However, these modern technologies have opened us up to a great deal of risk with our security. Many employees are at significant risk by using modern communication technology because they don’t understand the danger. Fortunately, though, our team is on hand to help you learn more about these threats. We’ll also discuss what makes internet communication risky and how you can protect yourself against these threats.Employees are Spending More Time on Technology
A critical risk for people is that we are all spending more time on our electronic devices. Technology is a constant part of our lives. People spend more time on technology and the internet than ever before. That means the risk posed for their security is also growing. Internet security has never been more important, simply because we are all spending more time on devices. By spending more time on communications software, we are putting ourselves at a greater risk of losing our data to hackers and security breaches. Unfortunately, criminal methods used to get access to our data are becoming more sophisticated. It’s not easy knowing a genuine link from a dangerous or malicious link intended to harm us.How Hackers Trick us into Exposing Our Devices
Hackers are becoming increasingly aware that their old tactics aren’t working as well as they once did. Yet, with the rise of advanced security systems, many hackers face new challenges to continue their devious ways. Now they are turning to communications systems for opportunities. This tactic is something that has taken the world by surprise, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, with the arrival of the pandemic, the world switched to online shopping almost overnight. As such, hackers quickly took advantage of this new opportunity for gaining access to personal data. This shift represents a severe security risk that is putting people at risk today.Fake Delivery Messages: The Most Common Security Challenge
The most notable of these scams at present are the fake delivery messages. These scams have become incredibly common, and because so many of us have been ordering products online, it can be easy to fall into this trap. Indeed, most fake delivery messages require users to follow a link to “reschedule” an order that failed to arrive. But, of course, these ungenuine links are taking us directly to websites that are malicious in some manner. In some cases, they merely request us to pay a small sum of money and nothing more. But this is the lesser of many evils. Other scams include collecting personal data and even compiling card details, leading you to a substantial loss of money. As such, the risk posed by these fake delivery messages is staggering.Email Attachment and Social Media Communication Security Scams
Another common scam that people should be aware of when it comes to communication security is email risk. Indeed, hackers are becoming increasingly crafty with the phishing and malware emails they are sending. These emails, designed to fool people into thinking that they’re sent from a legitimate sender, encourage the reader to visit the linked site. In turn, this can lead to malware or phishing software downloaded onto the device. Naturally, this can cause you a great deal of distress. Another common form of this scam is from hacked social media accounts. If you get a strange message from a friend or contact on social media, especially if it links to an external video or website, you might find that it takes you somewhere that infects your device.Final Thoughts About Modern-day Communication
In any of these scenarios, the risks posed by communication security challenges are very much real. When using any communication technologies, be aware of the potential risks you could be facing. If you need any help in regards to internet security feel free to contact us.